

Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is another major thread that runs through our parish life.

It defines the whole philosophy of the parish toward its financial responsibilities and pastoral needs. Although fundraising is on the increase at St. Brigid, tithing is still a parish policy and our major source of income. Parishioners are asked to pledge a percentage of their money, time and talent to support the work of the Parish. “Each of you, as a good manager of God’s gifts, shall use for the good of others the special gifts you have received from God.” (1 Peter 4:10) Stewardship is using, with integrity and faithfulness, the gifts which God has given. As Christians, we are to pray daily, attend worship regularly, give sacrificially and serve faithfully.

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Stewardship of Time

Frequently we make the statement “We don’t have time.” Yet, we have as much time as anyone else. Furthermore, the time we have is not ours. God gives it to us. With all the time we have, we can give a portion of it back to God each week. This can be in addition to the time we spend at the weekend liturgy. As to what you do with the time you set aside, we leave it up to you. However, we do suggest that you include your own ongoing religious education and faith development as well as ministry to others.

Stewardship of Talent

As it is for time, so it is for talent. Each one of us has many talents given to us freely by God. Likewise, we are called to use these for the furthering of God’s kingdom. Furthermore, our talents are needed in the community. Only when we use them will they be appreciated. As to how you can share your talents, please call the parish office during business hours and you will be put in touch with the Pastoral Team Member for the ministries in which you would like to participate in.

Stewardship of Treasure

“Give an account of your stewardship.” (Luke 16:2) As it is for time and talent, so it is for our treasure. That also comes from God. Indeed, we are blessed in many ways. Since we will be asked to give an account of our stewardship, now is a good time to get our books in order. Our goal is tithing, and many families and individuals practice it. What you give is your decision. However, by tithing one tenth of your income to God, you’ll find the other nine tenths will go much further.

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Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:45 – 1:45) Friday: 9 am – 12:45 pm
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