Our philosophy and practice is one of collaboration. We believe that we are all called to share in the building up of the Kingdom of God. We build up God’s kingdom by offering our uniqueness and giftedness and working in unison. St. Brigid Parish pastoral leadership is based on the approach called Collaborative Ministries, or Team Ministry. The Pastoral Team shares in the responsibility and accountability of the life of the parish. They, in their Christian vocation, are called to serve, to enable, and to empower the parishioners. The expression of the Pastoral Team and the entire Parish Community is one of worship and ministry. This expression is rooted in Jesus’ commandments to us all: to love God, love our neighbors and to love ourselves.
We are a community that believes we are in co-union with God and each other. We are all “stewards” of the affairs of God on this earth, gifted with the resources necessary to draw ourselves and others closer to Him. Stewardship is a basic and consistent life-style that we as Christians are called to. It is a life-style of caring and sharing. Our Parish Community is composed of people with varied gifts and resources. Each individual affects the growth and life of the community in direct proportion to the manner that he/she responds to this responsibility and privilege.
Our community does not happen automatically. It must be created by people actively participating in it. Our goal is to be of service to all within our parish family. Everyone is a vital part of the Body!