OCIA – Becoming Catholic


At St. Brigid, we offer an adult and a children program in which you can study to become Catholic.

If you are searching to learn about the Catholic faith and how you can live it out in your life, please take time to read through the following information. If this is the path for you, please contact those listed on how you can start your journey soon.

OCIA – Order Of Christian Initiation Of Adults

Times for Reflection

The process of OCIA brings adults to the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

This process is successfully used for persons who are unbaptized; for baptized Christians who have been members of another denomination and seek to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church; and for baptized Catholics who are uncatechized and need either Confirmation and/or Eucharist. The initial period of inquiry begins with an interview with the parish OCIA team and the pastor. The time is intended to be relaxed and informal, giving those interested in the process an opportunity to explore and question.

The yearly cycle of conversion begins in late August/early September. For the unbaptized candidates and those candidates for conversion from another religion, the classes help them to understand what it means to be Catholic and to discern their desire to enter the formal process of the OCIA. For those baptized Catholics needing the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, this becomes a time of renewed commitment, ongoing formation, and deepened awareness of God’s presence.

The period of the Catechumenate provides an opportunity to learn the basic elements of the Catholic faith and become familiar with the practices and traditions of the Church. Particularly helpful are the times of reflection set aside to process the learning experience and the effects of our relationship with God and with others. Periodic Rites celebrated with the community mark the stages along the way and affirm the progress of the participants.

The group meets on Sunday morning with several Saturday reflections scheduled into the process.

For more questions about starting on your spiritual journey in the Catholic faith, please contact Deacon Enrique Villegas at Villegas910@hotmail.com.

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Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:45 – 1:45) Friday: 9 am – 12:45 pm
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