Bereavement Choir
The Bereavement Choir is open to adult singers and musicians available during the day. Those who especially feel called to minister through music to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one are invited to join this group. There are no regularly-scheduled rehearsals, but there are occasional rehearsals called for the purpose of learning new repertoire. Participants are contacted when the need arises, and they minister as they are able.
Bilingual (Spanish) Choir
This group ministers at the 8:00 am Mass each weekend throughout the year and at special feast days and solemnities such as Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christmas Eve. It is open to singers and instrumentalists, from high school age through adult. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm. The ability to read and/or speak Spanish is helpful, but not required.
Contemporary Choir
This group rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm and is open to singers and instrumentalists of at least high school age through adult who wishes to minister at Mass on a regular basis. Members minister at the Mass of their choosing: 5:00 pm (Saturday), 10:30 am or 12:30 pm (Sunday). It is possible to vary the Mass at which one chooses to sing due to changes in one’s personal schedule. This group is the foundational group for the parish Christmas and Easter musicals, and also ministers on special feast days and other liturgies, such as parish reconciliation services.
Choir Schedules
Although choir times stay the same for the most part, please call the parish office to confirm dates and times if you are joining us for the first time: